Rather than carrying out potentially unnecessary work on your car in advance of the NCT, we recommend you bring your car for NCT first. Should it fail, you can then bring the car into us with the NCT report and we can address the specific issues.

This approach is designed to avoid speculative expenditure on work that may not be necessary.


  • Remove your hub caps.
  • Have a quick look to make sure your side lights, head lights, indicators & fog light works correctly. Ask a friend to check the brake lights as you press the pedal.
  • Ensure doors open/close/lock effectively and that the bonnet opens correctly
  • Make sure your engine is warm before you go for the test. Your engine performs best when it is at normal operating temperature


If you fail the test, ask them exactly why. Often the NCT do not give a clear explanation and it is important that they explain to you exactly why you have failed.

Then you can come to us with the NCT report and we will be able to address the problem for you very quickly.

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